Interview Techniques/Public Speaking

Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for public speaking and interview techniques. When it comes to interview techniques and public speaking, it’s important to remember that nerves and anxiety can naturally arise in such situations. Many people experience anxiety when speaking in public or during job interviews. It’s our body’s natural defense mechanism to perceive these situations and threatening or dangerous. This can result in a fight or flight response, with anxiety being the ‘flight’ option.

As part of this response, our body produces stress hormones such as adrenaline, making us feel more alert and our heart rate increasing. However, this can also cause physical symptoms such as shaking, sweating or stuttering, making it difficult to deliver a successful interview or speech. Anxiety can take different forms, ranging from slight nervousness to excessive fear to the point of panic attacks. This may stem from thoughts that things “should” go a certain way, such as “I should get the job” or “I should impress the audience”. When our expectations are not met, or we feel we’ve failed, anxiety can take hold. In some cases, anxiety may be a learned response. It may stem from past experiences where we previously failed to deliver an interview or speech.

It is important to learn effective techniques to manage anxiety and nerves in these situations. Hypnotherapy can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, making it easier to remain calm and focused during interviews or speeches. By learning how to be confident and relaxed, individuals can master these skills and manage any future challenges with ease.

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