Smoking Cessation

Hypnotherapy to stop smoking

Hypnotherapy can be an incredible tool to help you quit the smoking habit for good.

Many of us know the dangers of smoking and the impact that it can have on our long term health. Smoking is a major cause of mental and physical stress with around 120,000 smokers dying as a result of their habit each year in the UK alone. Latest research indicates that 80% of all cancers are caused by smoking,

So why can it feel such a challenge to stop smoking when we so desperately want to? Why can it feel so difficult when we are armed with these statistics and are aware of the risks?

Our primitive part of our brain will have many misguided messages stored within it, such as; 'Smoking helps me feel less stressed', 'If I stop smoking, I will gain weight', 'I am a smoker, this is part of my identity'. We know that the primitive part of our brain has been incorrectly programmed.

Intellectually, we know that we have more control than we may tell ourselves. Most of us can stop smoking for several hours when we go to bed, if we get on an aeroplane or visit the cinema

Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation requires just one session (which lasts up to 2 hours) with no initial consultation required.

During the session, we explain to you how the mind works in relation to smoking, and how you can utilise this information to ensure that you say 'goodbye' to the smoking habit for good, not just today or next week or next month, but also years into the future.


We then use the power of hypnosis to focus your intellectual mind on quitting the smoking habit; not associating smoking with any time, place, emotion or situation. We enable you to discover new ways of making healthy choices.

To book your smoking cessation session, click here or call Lyanne on 07773 009773