Empowering Children: Nurturing Confidence During Summer Holidays

As a mum of two teenagers and as a therapist specialising in anxiety, I've noticed a concerning trend in recent times - the rise in anxiety among children. The pressures of our modern world, school demands, and social interactions often leave our little ones feeling overwhelmed. However, the summer holidays offer a unique opportunity to foster their self-esteem and build resilience before heading back to school in September. So, let's dive into how we can make the most of this time to nurture their confidence.

1. The Growing Anxiety Epidemic:

It's no secret that anxiety rates have seen a surge in recent times, and our precious children haven't been immune to this overwhelming emotion. Increased academic pressures and the constantly connected digital world have created a perfect storm for heightened anxiety levels.

2. The Importance of Building Confidence:

Confidence is an essential trait that empowers children to face life's challenges head-on. By instilling self-belief and providing them with the tools to manage anxiety, we can equip our children to flourish, both academically and socially.

3. Working on Confidence During the Summer Holidays:

a. Encourage exploration: The relaxed summer holidays allow for adventures and new experiences. Encourage your child to try new activities or hobbies, which can help them discover and develop their talents and passions.

b. Supportive family environment: Foster an open and nurturing environment at home, where your child feels comfortable discussing their fears and anxieties. Understanding their concerns will enable you to provide tailored support and reassurance.

c. Develop coping strategies: The summer holidays provide an opportunity to teach your child practical coping strategies such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, and positive affirmations. These techniques can help them manage anxiety effectively when faced with stressful situations.

d. Consider hypnotherapy: Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool in addressing anxiety and building confidence. In my role as a hypnotherapist, I have witnessed remarkable transformations in children, helping them break free from anxiety's grip and unlocking their full potential.

4. Leading By Example:

As parents, our actions speak louder than words. Take this time to reflect on your own self-confidence and how you manage stress. By modelling healthy coping mechanisms, you teach your children valuable life skills that they can apply to their own lives.


As the summer holidays approach, seize this invaluable opportunity to empower your child and equip them with the confidence they need to tackle the upcoming school year. By creating a supportive, stress-free environment and utilizing tools such as hypnotherapy, you can make a real difference in your child's overall well-being.

Remember, building confidence is an ongoing journey, one that requires patience, support, and understanding. As a mum who understands the challenges, I'm here to help guide you and your child through this transformative process. Together, let's make this summer a stepping stone towards a brighter and more confident future.

If you're interested in learning more about how hypnotherapy can support your child's well-being, feel free to reach out. Wishing you and your family a captivating and confidence-building summer.


Hello, and welcome to my hypnotherapy website!

It’s amazing to believe that I have been in my practice for many years, helping clients overcome various obstacles and achieve success. And yet, I’ve never yet written a blog!

I suppose I have been so busy helping people through hypnosis that I never found the time to share my thoughts online. Well, that changes now as I’m here to bring you my first ever blog.

Before we delve deeper, let me get a few things out of the way. First of all, there will be more blogs to come, so don’t worry about this being a one-time thing. Secondly, you can be reassured that everything that re read here is coming from a qualified and professional hypnotherapist.

Now, lets talk about hypnosis and why it’s such an effective means to help individuals make changes and overcome their personal challenges. I know, I know - hypnosis can sometimes seem a little bit mysterious and even a bit scary to some people. But fear not! Hypnosis is simply a relaxing, trance-like state in which an individual’s mind is more open to suggestions and positive affirmations. Although it may seem like a ‘magic trick’, the truth is that hypnosis is actually based on sound, scientific principles. I have witnessed the benefits of hypnosis first hand with my clients, who have used it to break free from phobias, reduces stress/anxiety, quit smoking and build their self-esteem. It’s a truly powerful tool that has helped many people make incredible changes in their lives.

Now, you might be wondering - does hypnosis really work for everyone? The answer is that, just like any other form of therapy, it depends on the individual and their willingness to embrace the process. I am not a magician and nor do I profess to be. But, in general, most people will benefit from hypnotherapy, the main thing is remaining committed to the process and doing those things that you say you’re going to do.

Well, that’s all for my first blog! I hope you enjoyed this little introduction and learned a thing or two about hypnotherapy. Stay tuned for more blogs to come where I’ll be diving into specific topics around hypnotherapy. And if you’re interested in learning more about how hypnotherapy can help you make the changes that you want, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Until next time,
